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Simple Hill Climbing Algorithm | Artificial Intelligence

kdajskdjla alsdklsa  For more articles Subscribe and follow my blog and me. If you have doubts in expanding and exploring research with this article kindly send me mail(  ) regarding your doubt. I am open to clarify. Attribution: Some Images were taken from Under a free license scheme. Images were used with proper attribution in the ALT tag of every Image. Remaining Images  were created by me using( ) and I declare them as Open Source and Attribution is not mandatory.

Issues in NLP | Artificial Intelligence | Teaching Article

 Linguistic Analysis

  1. Speech
  2. Written Language

This article focuses on Written Language rather than Speech because speech could be transfigured into written form.

Components in analysing Written Language

  1. Pronology : Analysing Sound / Pronunciation
  2. Morphology : Analysing Structure of Words.
    • Example : books, booked, booking -> book, run, ran, running -> run
  3. Syntax : Grammar
  4. Semantics : Meaning of Strings and Interaction among them.

Now coming to issues,

Issues in Syntax

"The dog ate my homework." - Who did what

1. Identify POS( Parts of Speech ) Tagging

Dog : Noun, Ate : Verb, Homework : Noun

Note: So far English POS tagging is up to 95% accurate but it also can be improvised.

2. Identify collocation

mother in law, hot dog are single word.

3. Shallow Parsing

Parse tree for the sentence "John loves Marry."

4. Anaphora Resolution

The dog entered my home. It scared me.

Here It refers to The dog in the first sentence. It must be resolved.

5. Preposition adjustment

I saw a man in the park with a telescope.

Whether it means ( man with telescope or I saw through telescope ).

Here the ambiguity must be resolved.

Issues in Semantics

Consider Plant,
Plant: Living Organism

Plant: Industry

The plant producing 1000 automobiles : Here the plant is Industry.

The plant produce apple fruit : Living Organism

The plant is close to the farm of animals : Ambiguity.

Learn from annotated examples (Statistical Learning Algorithm)

  • 1000s of examples tagged by human will be used to train algorithm.
  • Training Algorithm is required.
  • Precision : 60 - 70 % but can be improved up to 80%.

How to choose Learning Algorithm?

How to tag 1000s of examples?

Learning Process

  • Large voluminous annotated data is required for training and an unannotated fresh text is required for testing.
  • The algorithm learn from previous experience(training) and classify new data(testing).
  • Various algorithm exist some of them are Decision tree, Memory based Learning, Neural-net, Machine Learning etc.,

Issues in Information Extraction

There was a group of 8-9 people close to the Highway 82.

  • Who? - 8 to 9 People.
  • Where? - Highway 82.
  • Proximity? Close.
The Extraction system must extract information and detect patterns.

Issues in Information retrieval

General Model contains
  1. A huge collection of text.
  2. A query
Task: Find documents that are related to the given query.
How: Create index - Like index in the Book.
Examples: Google, Yahoo, Bing are some search engines uses the index based search for information retrieval.
Issues: Indexing the meaning
Consider the following sentence,
I went to bank to observe sunset.

Bank has different forms in grammar

  1. River Bank (noun)
  2. Cash - cache of money - Bank (noun)
  3. depend (verb) - with the help syntactic analysis the verb "depend" will be eliminated.
Using semantic net it can be resolved.

Question Answering

  • What is the height of mount Everest? - 11,000 feet.
  • It have 40-50% accuracy.
  • We can use common sense knowledge to increase accuracy.
  • By performing domain specific question answering.
  • Finding information across languages.
  • Example: what is minimum age requirement for car rental in Italy.

Issues in machine Translation

  1. Text to Text
  2. Speech to Speech
You may think what is the difficulty,  Here text remains text? Think after looking the below example,
  1. English - French (text) 
  2. English - Chinese (Speech)
Now is it enough difficult. Ok then go for solution.
Even though there are lot of issues it can be overcame some extent using various NLP techniques.

For more articles Subscribe and follow my blog and me. If you have doubts in expanding and exploring research with this article kindly send me mail( ) regarding your doubt. I am open to clarify.

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Under a free license scheme. Images were used with proper attribution in the ALT tag of every Image.
Remaining Images were created by me using( and I declare them as Open Source and Attribution is not mandatory.


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Simple Hill Climbing Algorithm | Artificial Intelligence

kdajskdjla alsdklsa  For more articles Subscribe and follow my blog and me. If you have doubts in expanding and exploring research with this article kindly send me mail(  ) regarding your doubt. I am open to clarify. Attribution: Some Images were taken from Under a free license scheme. Images were used with proper attribution in the ALT tag of every Image. Remaining Images  were created by me using( ) and I declare them as Open Source and Attribution is not mandatory.

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